LD 1619
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Item 1

C.__Enrollees may use outside assistance during the review
process and may submit evidence relating to the health care

D. Independent external reviews must be conducted by
independent review organizations pursuant to a contract with
the bureau.__The reviewers must be health care providers
credentialed with respect to the health care service under
review and have no conflict of interest relating to the
performance of their duties under this subsection.

E. The independent review organization shall issue a written
review decision based on the evidence presented to the
health plan and the enrollee.__The decision of the review
organization is binding on the health plan and the enrollee.

F. The superintendent may develop additional standards and
adopt rules to set the fee required in paragraph B and to
adopt other rules as necessary to carry out the purposes of
this subsection in accordance with section 4309.

Sec. 7. 24-A MRSA §4308, sub-§2 is enacted to read:

2.__Right to sue.__An enrollee's right to sue a carrier is
governed by the following provisions.

A.__A carrier has the duty to exercise ordinary care when
making health care treatment decisions and is liable for
damages for harm to an enrollee proximately caused by the
failure of the carrier to exercise ordinary care.

B.__A carrier is liable for damages for harm to an enrollee
proximately caused by the health care treatment decisions
made by its employees, agents, ostensible agents or
representatives who are acting on behalf of the carrier and
over whom the carrier has the right to exercise influence or
control when that influence or control results in the
failure to exercise ordinary care.

C.__Standards of care required by paragraphs A and B do not
require a carrier to provide to an enrollee treatment that
is not covered by the health plan provided by the carrier.

D.__The laws of the State prohibiting a person from
practicing medicine may not be asserted by a carrier as a
defense in any action.

E.__In an action against a carrier, a finding that a physician or
other health care provider is an employee, agent, ostensible
agent or representative of the carrier may

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