LD 1626
pg. 11
Page 10 of 12 An Act to Establish the Waste Motor Oil Disposal Site Remediation Program Page 12 of 12
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LR 2819
Item 1

proceeds to fund capital reserve funds for revenue obligation
securities issued pursuant to this subchapter relating to
workers' compensation residual market mechanism projects; and

D. The sum of $150,000,000 less the aggregate outstanding
balance of mortgage loans secured by capital reserve funds
pursuant to section 1032 for all other revenue obligation
securities issued pursuant to this subchapter.; and

E.__The sum of $65,000,000 for revenue obligation securities
issued pursuant to section 1019.

The amount of revenue obligation securities issued to refund
securities previously issued may not be taken into account in
determining the principal amount of securities outstanding,
provided that proceeds of the refunding securities are applied as
promptly as possible to the refunding of the previously issued
securities. In computing the total amount of revenue obligation
securities of the authority that may at any time be outstanding
for any purpose, the amounts of the outstanding revenue
obligation securities that have been issued as capital
appreciation bonds or as similar instruments are valued as of any
date of calculation at their then current accreted value rather
than their face value.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


From 1953 until 1981, 4 sites were developed in the State for
the storage and handling of waste motor oil. These sites are in
Wells, Plymouth, Ellsworth and Casco. The Department of
Environmental Protection has determined that 3 of the 4 sites, in
Wells, Ellsworth and Casco, may pose environmental hazards and
must be investigated and remediated. The United States
Environmental Protection Agency has determined that the site in
Plymouth must also be further investigated and remediated and has
designated Plymouth as a federal superfund site. The costs of
remediation are significant. The total response costs at the
Wells site will be approximately $15,000,000. The United States
Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of
Environmental Protection have already expended in excess of
$7,000,000 in relation to the site in Plymouth and significant
further investigation and remediation needs to occur. Costs of
cleanup in Ellsworth and Casco have not been clarified, but are
expected to be significant.

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