LD 1626
pg. 2
Page 1 of 12 An Act to Establish the Waste Motor Oil Disposal Site Remediation Program Page 3 of 12
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LR 2819
Item 1

Sec. 2. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§17-A is enacted to read:

17-A.__Final remedy selection.__"Final remedy selection"

A.__In the case of the Department of Environmental
Protection, a final determination by the Commissioner of
Environmental Protection or the commissioner's designee of
the appropriate response action at a waste motor oil
disposal site that is an uncontrolled hazardous substances
site; and

B.__In the case of the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, the remedy selected in a final record of
decision for the so-called Howes Corner Federal Superfund

Sec. 3. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§§47-A, 47-B, 49-G, 51-B and 51-C are enacted to

47-A.__Response costs.__"Response costs" means those costs
incurred or those costs that will be incurred by the Department
of Environmental Protection, the United States Environmental
Protection Agency or a responsible party for investigation,
removal, remediation and operation monitoring at a waste motor
oil disposal site.__"Response costs" does not include salaries,
benefits, administrative costs or other expenses that relate in
any way to employees of the Department of Environmental
Protection or the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
or that relate to expenses otherwise incurred by the Department
of Environmental Protection or the United States Environmental
Protection Agency in the operation of the department or agency.

47-B.__Responsible party.__"Responsible party" has the same
meaning set forth in Title 38, section 1362, subsection 2 and has
the same meaning as the term "potentially responsible party" as
defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 304-12(m).

49-G.__Total response costs.__"Total response costs" means the
total costs that have been or will be paid in association with a
particular waste motor oil disposal site.__"Total response costs"
includes costs incurred by the Department of Environmental
Protection, the United States Environmental Protection Agency or
3rd parties in connection with the investigatory, removal or
remedial activities regarding a waste motor oil disposal site and
includes only those costs that are not inconsistent with
applicable law, including 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Section
300, et seq.__"Total response costs" does not include salaries or
other expenses routinely incurred by the Department of

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