LD 1626
pg. 6
Page 5 of 12 An Act to Establish the Waste Motor Oil Disposal Site Remediation Program Page 7 of 12
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LR 2819
Item 1

Corner Federal Superfund Site in Plymouth, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, as a responsible party;

C.__Two individuals, each of whom owns or operates a
business in this State that has as an integral element of
its business operations the repair and maintenance of motor
vehicles that are owned by 3rd parties in this State.__
Either the appointee or the business must have been
designated by the Department of Environmental Protection or,
in the case of the Howes Corner Federal Superfund Site in
Plymouth, the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
as a responsible party;

D.__An individual who owns or operates a fleet of 25 or more
motor vehicles in the State.__The individual must have been
designated by the Department of Environmental Protection or,
in the case of the Howes Corner Federal Superfund Site in
Plymouth, the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
as a responsible party;

E.__One individual who is employed by a person engaged in
the wholesale sale of motor oil in this State;

F.__An officer or employee of a municipality that has been
designated by the Department of Environmental Protection or,
in the case of the Howes Corner Federal Superfund Site in
Plymouth, the United States Environmental Protection Agency,
as a responsible party; and

G.__An individual employed by a manufacturer or refiner of
motor oil, or an individual employed by a trade association
of such manufacturers or refiners.

2.__Compensation.__Each member of the board is not entitled to
compensation but must be paid for expenses pursuant to Title 5,
section 12002-A.

3.__Replacement or removal.__Members of the board shall serve
a term of office ending the later of June 30, 2004 or any date
thereafter, but no later than December 31, 2024, on which the
board notifies the Governor that a final remedy selection has
been completed for each waste oil site, on which date the board
is dissolved and terminated.__Any vacancy on the board must be
filled by the Governor by appointment of an individual with the
same qualifications.__Any member of the board may be removed from
office for cause by the Governor.

4.__Certificate of determination.__From time to time, the
board shall ascertain from the Department of Environmental
Protection or the United States Environmental Protection Agency

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