LD 1627
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mill rate that must be calculated each year by the commissioner to
satisfy the following condition: when the program millage limit is
applied to the fiscal capacity of each unit, the subsidies that
result under this section must exhaust the amount appropriated by
the State for program costs.

§15665.__Debt service costs subsidy

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to subsidize debt service costs for all eligible units for
the ensuing fiscal year.

1.__Default appropriation.__In the absence of timely
legislative action, the debt service costs subsidy for the
ensuing year must be calculated and paid by the commissioner
based on the debt service costs appropriation and the debt
service costs millage limit in effect for the current year.

2.__How calculated.__The debt service costs subsidy for each
unit is the product of that unit's debt service costs times the
state share percentage for that unit.

3.__Appropriation less than subsidy.__If the appropriation for
debt service costs is insufficient to pay the subsidies
calculated in accordance with subsection 2, then the subsidy to
each unit eligible to receive a debt service costs subsidy must
be reduced in proportion to each unit's average pupil count.

4.__Appropriation exceeding subsidy.__If the appropriation for
debt service costs exceeds the amount necessary to pay the
subsidies calculated in accordance with subsection 2, then the
excess must be distributed to pay that portion of each unit's
debt service costs that exceed the unit's debt service costs
circuit breaker.__A unit's "debt service costs circuit breaker"
is the amount calculated by multiplying the debt service costs
millage limit times the fiscal capacity of that unit.

5.__Debt service costs millage limit.__For purposes of this
section, "debt service costs millage limit" means a single
statewide property tax mill rate that must be calculated each
year by the commissioner to satisfy the following condition: when
the debt service costs millage limit is applied to the fiscal
capacity of each unit, the subsidies that result under the rules
of this section must exhaust the amount appropriated by the State
for debt service costs.

§15666.__State direct costs

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to pay state direct costs for all eligible

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