LD 1637
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act Regarding the Boundaries of State and State Aid Highways Page 3 of 3
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LR 1033
Item 1

location are not the same as originally established. The department
shall pay from its funds all expenses incurred and the amount of
final judgment and costs, except that the amount of the final
judgment and costs if damages are awarded must be paid by the
plaintiff if the plaintiff fails to recover any damages.

Sec. 2. 23 MRSA §2060, as amended by PL 1975, c. 711, §4, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§2060. Discontinuance where new state highway

1.__General procedures.__When the Department of Transportation
has constructed a highway over substantially the same route as
that of a county or town way and has recorded the plans of that
highway in the registry of deeds, the county commissioners or
municipal officers may, on their own motion, after notice and
hearing, proceed to alter or discontinue the portion of that way
not within the limits of the highway. The department shall give
notice and proceed as provided in this chapter or chapter 304, as
applicable, including serving any public utility having
facilities located in that portion to be discontinued.__Notice to
abutters must include notice that all or a portion of the
discontinued roadway may pass to the abutters unless an exception
in the plans and order of discontinuance is requested.__Any
aggrieved person may appeal as provided in the applicable
chapter. The plans prepared by the department and recorded in the
registry of deeds may be referred to in describing those portions
of the county or town way to be discontinued.

2.__Effect and exceptions.__Upon discontinuance, all interests
of the county or municipality pass to the abutting property
owners to the center of the way in accordance with section 3026.__
When the Department of Transportation is an abutting owner, then
the interests in the way pass to the property owner opposite the
department's ownership in accordance with a plan showing the
right-of-way line established for the new highway location by the
department.__The plan must be referenced in the order of

3.__Exclusion.__This section does not apply in cases where the
county or municipality owns the fee interest in the road to be


This bill accomplishes the following:

1. It provides a method for determining the boundaries of
state or state aid highways in cases where there is no recorded

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