LD 1639
pg. 7
Page 6 of 10 An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Maine State Pilotage Commission Page 8 of 10
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LR 1039
Item 1

§98. Commissions prohibited

No A master, agent, owner, charterer or consignee shall may
not charge a commission or receive any payment directly or
indirectly, for the assignment of pilotage, nor shall may any
pilot pay or offer to pay to any person any commission for the
assignment of pilotage. Any person violating this section commits
a civil violation for which a forfeiture not to exceed $500
$5,000 may be adjudged for each violation.

Sec. 20. 38 MRSA §99, as amended by PL 1985, c. 389, §39, is
further amended to read;

§99. Grounds for disciplinary action

The Administrative Court commission may suspend any pilot for
any period that it may deem consider proper, and may suspend,
revoke or annul any pilot's license which shall be that is issued
under sections 85 to 106 this subchapter, upon satisfactory proof
that such a pilot has willfully disobeyed or violated any of the
provisions of sections 85 to 106 this subchapter or any rule
established by the commission; or such a pilot has negligently
lost or damaged any vessel under his that pilot's care; or such a
pilot is habitually intemperate in the use of alcohol or
habitually uses narcotic or hypnotic or other substances so as
to be unfit to be entrusted with the charge of a vessel; or the
pilot is so mentally or physically incapable as to be unfit to
carry on the duties of a pilot.

Sec. 21. 38 MRSA §100-A is enacted to read:

§100-A.__Confidentiality of complaints and investigative


1.__During investigation.__All complaints and investigative
records of the commission are confidential during the pendency of
an investigation.__Those records become public records upon the
conclusion of an investigation unless confidentiality is required
by some other provision of law.__For purposes of this section, an
investigation is concluded when:

A.__A notice of an adjudicatory hearing under Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter IV has been issued;

B.__The complaint has been listed on a meeting agenda of the

C.__A consent agreement has been executed; or

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