LD 1652
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act to Repeal the Atlantic Salmon Authority Page 3 of 5
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LR 1881
Item 1

1.__Fund established.__The Atlantic Salmon Fund, referred to
in this section as the "fund," is established as a dedicated,
nonlapsing fund.

2.__Source of funds.__The fund may receive funds from any
source, public or private.

3.__Purpose.__The commissioner may use the fund for the
management and conservation of Atlantic salmon as described in
this chapter.

§7643.__Head of tide; Union River

For the purposes of this chapter, head of tide on the Union
River, Hancock County, is designated as that point on the
downstream side where the highway bridge on U.S. Route 1 crosses
the river in the City of Ellsworth.

§7644.__Atlantic salmon license

1.__License required.__Except as otherwise provided in this
section, a person may not fish for, take, possess, ship or
transport Atlantic salmon taken from any state waters without a
current Atlantic salmon license.

2.__License fees.__The commissioner shall issue Atlantic
salmon licenses to fish for Atlantic salmon in inland and coastal
waters of the State in accordance with the following provisions.

A.__The fee for an Atlantic salmon license is $15 for a

B.__The fee for an Atlantic salmon license for any
nonresident is:

(1)__For a season license for a nonresident 16 years of
age or older, $30;

(2)__For a 3-day license for a nonresident 16 years of
age or older, $15.__This license may not be exchanged
for a season license; and

(3)__For a nonresident under 16 years of age, $5.

C.__Members of the State's Indian tribes and state residents
under 16 years of age are exempt from any fee.

3.__License limitations and validation.__A person may not
purchase more than one Atlantic salmon license in any single
calendar year for that person's use.__Immediately after issuance

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