LD 1653
pg. 7
Page 6 of 8 An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Confidentiality of Health Care Informatio... Page 8 of 8
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LR 1213
Item 1

9. Disclosures of additions to health care information. A
health care practitioner or facility shall provide to a 3rd party
a copy of an addition submitted by an individual a patient, or if
the patient is a minor who has not consented to health care
treatment in accordance with the provisions of state law, to the
minor's parent, legal guardian or guardian ad litem, to the
individual's health care information if:

A. The health care practitioner or facility provided a copy
of the original health care record to the 3rd party on or
after October 1, 1999;

B. The addition was submitted by the individual pursuant to
section 1711 or 1711-B and relates to diagnosis, treatment
or care;

C. The individual requests that a copy be sent to the 3rd
party and provides an authorization that meets the
requirements of subsection 3; and

D. If requested by the health care practitioner or
facility, the individual pays to the health care
practitioner or facility all reasonable costs requested by
that practitioner or facility.

Sec. 14. 22 MRSA §1711-C, sub-§10, ¶¶A, B and D, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
793, Pt. A, §8 and affected by §10 and as affected by PL 1999, c.
3, §§3 and 5, are amended to read:

A. A health care practitioner or facility that discloses
health care information pursuant to subsection 3 or 3-A may
not disclose information in excess of the information
requested in the authorization.

B. A health care practitioner or facility that discloses
health care information pursuant to subsections 3, 3-A and 6
may not disclose information in excess of the information
reasonably required for the purpose for which it is

D. If a health care practitioner or facility discloses
partial or incomplete health care information, as compared
to the request or directive to disclose under subsection 3,
3-A or 6, the disclosure must expressly indicate that the
information disclosed is partial or incomplete.

Sec. 15. 22 MRSA §1711-C, sub-§13 ¶¶B and C, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
793, Pt. A, §8 and affected by §10 and as affected by PL 1999, c.
3, §§3 and 5, are amended to read:

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