LD 1654
pg. 14
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LR 807
Item 1

within the jurisdiction of the Maine Land Use Regulation
Commission, "department" means the Maine Land Use Regulation

Sec. 32. 38 MRSA §634, sub-§3, as affected by PL 1989, c. 890, Pt. A,
§40 and amended by Pt. B, §183, is further amended to read:

3. Application review. Within 10 working days of receiving a
completed application, the commissioner shall notify the
applicant of the official date on which the application was

The commissioner shall circulate the application among the
Department of Environmental Protection, Department of
Conservation, Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife,
Department of Marine Resources, Department of Transportation,
Maine Historic Preservation Commission, State Planning Office,
Public Utilities Commission and the municipal officials of the
municipality in which the project is located. The State Planning
Office and the Public Utilities Commission shall submit written
comments on section 636, subsection 7, paragraph F. For The
application must also be circulated to the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission for projects within the its jurisdiction of
the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission, the director may
request and obtain technical assistance and recommendations from
the staff of the department. The Commissioner of Environmental
Protection shall respond to the requests in a timely manner. The
recommendations of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection
Maine Land Use Regulation Commission must be considered by the
commission commissioner in acting upon a project an application
for a project within the commission's jurisdiction.

Sec. 33. 38 MRSA §635-A, 2nd ¶, as amended by PL 1985, c. 362, §1, is

Sec. 34. 38 MRSA §1310-N, first ¶, as repealed and replaced by PL 1993,
c. 680, Pt. A, §37, is amended to read:

No A person may not locate, establish, construct, expand the
disposal capacity of or operate any solid waste facility unless
approved by the department under the provisions of this chapter.
When the proposed facility is located within the jurisdiction of
the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission, in addition to any
other requirement, the department shall require compliance with
existing standards of the commission.

Sec. 35. 38 MRSA §1310-N, sub-§2-G is enacted to read:

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