LD 1654
pg. 6
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LR 807
Item 1

period for public comment to such date as it may

(4)__The commission must act to adopt or not to adopt
proposed land use district standards, land use
boundaries or land use maps within 120 days after the
date of final closure of the public hearing.

E.(5)__Land use district boundaries and land use maps
become effective 15 days after adoption or amendment by
the commission, as long as the boundaries and maps are
available in tF.he appropriate registry of deeds for
each county.__Notice of adoption or amendment of land
use district boundaries and land use maps must be given
by publication one time in a newspaper of general
circulation published in the area affected.

G.(6)__Permanent land use standards adopted by the
commission are effective immediately, but must be
submitted to the next regular or special session of the
Legislature for approval or modification.__If the
Legislature fails to H.act, those standards continue in
full force and effect.

Sec. 10. 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§8, as repealed and replaced by PL 1995,
c. 462, Pt. A, §30, is repealed.

Sec. 11. 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§§8-A and 8-B are enacted to read:

8-A.__Criteria for adoption or amendment of land use district
boundaries.__A land use district boundary may not be adopted or
amended unless there is substantial evidence that:

A.__The proposed land use district is consistent with the
comprehensive land use plan and the purpose, intent and
provisions of this chapter; and

B.__The proposed land use district would satisfy
demonstrated need in the community or area or a new district
designation is more appropriate for the protection and
management of existing uses and resources within the
affected area.

District boundaries adopted or amended under these provisions to
accommodate specific development proposals do not become
effective until the commission or the Department of Environmental
Protection authorizes the project, based upon a finding that the
project will not have an undue adverse impact on existing uses or

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