LD 1654
pg. 8
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LR 807
Item 1

(1)__No more than one standard culvert size wider in
diameter than the culvert being replaced;

(2)__No more than 25% longer than the culvert being
replaced; and

(3)__No longer than 75 feet.

Ancillary culverting activities, including excavation and
filling, are included in this exemption.__A person
repairing, replacing or maintaining an existing culvert
under this paragraph shall ensure that erosion control
measures are taken to prevent sedimentation of the water and
that the crossing does not block fish passage in the water
course; or

i.B.__A permit is not required for those aspects of a
development proposal that have been reviewed and approved by
the Department of Environmental Protection if the activities
are an allowed use within the subdistricts for which they
are proposed.__Developments covered by this exemption
include those subject to review within the unorganized and
deorganized areas under the following provisions of Title

(1)__The water pollution control laws, sections 411 to

(2)__The natural resources protection laws, sections
480-A to 480-Z;

(3)__The site location of development laws, sections
481 to 490;

(4)__Performance standards for excavations, sections
490-A to 490-M;

(5)__Performance standards for quarries, sections 490-W
to 490-EE;

(6)__The oil discharge prevention laws, sections 541 to

(7)__The underground oil storage laws, sections 561 to

(8)__The hydropower permit laws, sections 630 to 637;

(9)__The waste management laws, sections 1301 to 1319.

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