LD 1663
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Restore Fairness and Equity to the Allocation of School Subsidies ... LD 1663 Title Page
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LR 1755
Item 1

through home instruction and shall include these students in
the annual count of students attending school in accordance
with section 6004, subsection 2, paragraph D.

C.__The total amount of adjustments received under this
subsection may not exceed the level of funds appropriated
for this item under section 15607, subsection 13.

D.__The commissioner may adopt or amend rules to ensure

(1)__All adjustments received were utilized and
actually expended for equivalent instruction programs
authorized pursuant to section 5001-A, subsection 3;

(2)__No municipality receives reimbursement for a
student who attends school at public expense.

Rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph are routine
technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter


This bill allows school administrative units to receive an
adjustment in their state subsidy payment for enrollment
decreases due to resident students enrolled in a private school
or through home instruction in an equivalent instruction program.
Under this bill, school administrative units must be reimbursed
for students residing in the unit who are participating in
approved equivalent instruction programs. School administrative
units are required to keep accurate records of students residing
in the unit who are participating in approved equivalent
instruction programs and shall include these students in the
annual count of students attending school in the district.

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