LD 1664
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify Basic Health Care Services to be Offered by Maine Health Main... LD 1664 Title Page
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LR 2426
Item 1

provides coverage for the scope of basic health care services.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill clarifies the definition of "basic health care
services" for purposes of defining the scope of health care
services to be provided by all health maintenance organizations.
Under the Bureau of Insurance Rule, Chapter 850, Section 7(B)(1),
all health maintenance organizations are presently required to
include in each of their health plans the specific coverages set
forth in the health maintenance organization basic plan, which in
turn is set forth in the Bureau of Insurance Rule, Chapter 750,
Section 6(B). Together, these rule provisions have the effect of
imposing upon health maintenance organizations as mandated
benefits, certain benefits that go beyond the present scope of
mandated benefits. In addition, these rules impose very specific
requirements governing the applicability of copayments, or
prohibitions on copayments, that are contrary to the coverages
historically provided by health maintenance organizations and are
inconsistent with the types of plans employers have traditionally

This bill focuses the definition of "basic health care
services" upon a list of medical services required to be covered
and includes all statutory mandates. It recognizes and preserves
the Bureau of Insurance's authority to adopt rules further
defining the services all health maintenance organizations must
provide. At the same time, it precludes the bureau from relying
on all particulars of the standard or basic plans in Chapter 750
for this purpose and leaves to employers and health maintenance
organizations the task of determining the nature and scope of
copayments and related requirements that they desire to flesh out
this scope of services.

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