LD 1668
pg. 6
Page 5 of 8 An Act to Create the Drive ME Wheels-to-work Program Page 7 of 8
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LR 1446
Item 1

B.__To provide a person who receives assistance from the
TANF program a loan at below-market rates for the repair and
maintenance of a used vehicle, in accordance with the loan
criteria established under section 3833;

C.__To invest available fund balances and to credit the net
interest income on those balances to the fund; and

D. To pay the costs of the department staff associated with
the administration of the fund and projects financed by the
fund, except that no more than the lesser of 2% of the
aggregate of the highest fund balances in any fiscal year or
4% of any capitalization grants provided by the United
States for deposit in the fund may be used for these

4.__Community action agencies.__The fund may be divided into
separate revolving loan funds to be administered by community
action agencies upon approval by the commissioner. Each separate
fund must contain all repayments of principal and interest for
loans made from that fund and interest earned by the fund.
Interest and principal payments required by loan defaults are
charged to the fund to which repayments are applied. The
commissioner has sole responsibility for the allocation and
distribution of the original fund and for appropriations and
repayments applied to the original fund. Each community action
agency has responsibility for the allocation and distribution of
the portion of the fund allocated to its separate revolving loan

5.__Rules.__The commissioner shall develop by rule the terms
and repayment of loans and may adopt rules for the administration
of the fund.


1. Regional.__Each community action agency participating in
the program shall file reports required by the commissioner.

2. Commissioner.__The commissioner shall annually by December
1st report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over human services matters on the balance of
each community action agency Drive ME Wheels-to-work revolving
loan fund, the status of all outstanding loans and a report on
all other program activities.

§3837.__Drive ME Wheels-to-work Advisory Board

1.__Appointment.__The Drive ME Wheels-to-work Advisory Board,
referred to in this section as the "board," established by

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