LD 1711
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Clarify the Law Governing Disbursements from the Groundwater Oil Clea... Page 4 of 4
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LR 940
Item 1

at 15% a year from the date of expenditure, and damage for injury
to, destruction of, loss of, or loss of use of natural resources
and the reasonable costs of assessing natural resources damage.
The commissioner shall demand reimbursement of costs and payment of
damages paid by the department from state or federal funds except
for amounts that are not eligible for coverage by the fund to be
recovered under this section and payment subchapter.__Payment must
be made promptly by the responsible party or parties upon whom the
demand is made. If payment is not received by the State within 30
days of the demand, the Attorney General may file suit in the
Superior Court and, in addition to relief provided by other law,
may seek punitive damages as provided in section 568.
Notwithstanding the time limits stated in this paragraph, neither a
demand nor other recovery efforts against one responsible party may
relieve any other responsible party of liability.

Sec. 7. 38 MRSA §570, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 624, §6, is
further amended to read:

The intent of this subchapter is to provide the means for
rapid and effective cleanup and to minimize direct and indirect
damages and the proliferation of 3rd-party claims. Accordingly,
each responsible party is jointly and severally liable for all
disbursements made by the State pursuant to section 569-B,
subsection 5, paragraphs B, D, E and G or other damage incurred
by the State, including interest computed at 15% a year from the
date of expenditure, and damage for injury to, destruction of,
loss of or loss of use of natural resources and the reasonable
costs of assessing natural resources damage. The commissioner
shall demand reimbursement of costs and payment of damages paid
by the department from state or federal funds to be recovered
under this section and payment must be made promptly by the
responsible party or parties upon whom the demand is made. If
payment is not received by the State within 30 days of the
demand, the Attorney General may file suit in the Superior Court
and, in addition to relief provided by other law, may seek
punitive damages as provided in section 568. Notwithstanding the
time limits stated in this paragraph, neither a demand nor other
recovery efforts against one responsible party may relieve any
other responsible party of liability.


This bill:

1. Makes it clear that storage tank owners who apply to the
Groundwater Oil Clean-up Fund for coverage of oil clean-up costs
are subject to conditional deductibles based on the failure of a
prior owner to meet regulatory requirements. Conditional

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