LD 1715
pg. 8
Page 7 of 28 An Act to Allow Charitable Nonprofit Organizations to Conduct Limited Video Gam... Page 9 of 28
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LR 1823
Item 1

A.__Is eligible for a license to conduct games of chance
pursuant to section 332;

B.__Is exempt from federal taxation under the Internal
Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(8),
501(c)(10) or 501(c)(19); and

C.__Owns or leases the premises upon which the video gaming
terminals will be located and uses those premises to fulfill
the primary charitable or nonprofit purpose of the
organization.__If the premises are leased, the lease must
run for a term longer than the license term.

Notwithstanding paragraph B, an organization that holds a license
under section 332 to operate an electronic video machine on the
effective date of this chapter is eligible to apply for a license
under this section to operate video gaming terminals for up to 18
months, provided the organization applies for federal tax status
as specified in paragraph B.__If the Chief of the State Police
determines that the organization is making a good faith effort to
secure the required tax status and is likely to be given such
status, the Chief of the State Police may extend the term of the
license for an additional 6 months to allow the United States
Internal Revenue Service time to complete processing the
application for tax status.__If the organization applied for such
status and was rejected within 3 years of the effective date of
this section, that organization is not eligible under this

2.__Qualifications for license.__A person may be issued a
license to operate a video gaming terminal if the person is
eligible for a license under subsection 1, has sufficient
financial assets to meet the financial obligations imposed by
this chapter and a method acceptable to the Chief of the State
Police for meeting those obligations and the individual and each
officer, director or partner of the corporation, association or

A.__Has not been convicted in Maine or any other
jurisdiction of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence,
within the meaning of 18 United States Code, Section 921,
Subsection (a), Paragraph (33);

B.__Does not have a formal charging instrument pending in
Maine or any other jurisdiction for a misdemeanor crime of
domestic violence, within the meaning of 18 United States
Code, Section 921, Subsection (a), Paragraph (33);

C.__Has not been convicted in Maine or any other
jurisdiction within the past 3 years of 3 or more crimes
punishable by imprisonment for less than one year, if those
convictions arose from different criminal episodes;

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