LD 1717
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Make Privileged Communication Between a Licensed Counseling Professio... LD 1717 Title Page
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LR 604
Item 1


This bill makes communication between a licensed professional
counselor and a patient privileged if the communication was
received during the course of professional counseling services.
A patient can be a person, couple, family or group who consults
or is examined or interviewed by a licensed counseling

This bill makes an exception from this privilege for an
instance in a proceeding:

1. When the licensed counseling professional determines the
patient needs to be hospitalized due to mental illness;

2. When a court orders the examination of a patient to
determine the emotional or mental condition of the patient;

3. When a patient raises the patient's mental or emotional
condition as a defense in a proceeding at law or in equity;

4. When the communication is to a person who is present or
participating in the professional service, including 3rd
party reimbursors and clinical or peer supervisors; or

5. When the communication is necessary to further the best
interest of the patient or is reasonably necessary for the
transmission of the communication.

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