LD 1718
pg. 1
LD 1718 Title Page An Act to Ensure that Displaced Workers Have Access to Appropriate Job Training... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2871
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §26-A is enacted to read:



§2061.__Program created

The Peer Support Program for Displaced Workers is created
within the department to provide advocacy and information for
workers displaced by significant layoffs.__The program may
initiate one or more projects to assist employees, as provided in
this chapter.

§2062.__Peer Support Projects

1.__Initiation of project.__When 100 or more employees of a
single employer are laid off, the department shall initiate a
peer support project to assist the affected employees.__The
department may initiate a project when 50 or more employees are
laid off if the bureau determines that a peer support project is
warranted, after considering the particular needs of the affected
workforce and the affected communities.

2.__Employment and role of peer support workers.__For each
project, the department shall employ one or more peer support
workers who must be displaced nonmanagerial employees from the
affected workforce.__The department shall attempt in all cases to
hire one peer support worker for each 50 affected employees and
to hire at least 2 peer support workers for each project.__A peer
support worker shall serve as a worker advocate and an
information source connecting the affected workers and the
State's workforce development programs.__The peer support worker
shall use the resources of local__employment assistance programs
as well as state programs. The department shall collaborate with
employee representatives in hiring and overseeing peer support
workers.__The department shall ensure that peer support workers
have an opportunity to receive training and to work as a team
even if they are geographically dispersed.

3.__Duration of project.__The department shall determine the
duration of each project, taking into consideration the size,
scope and nature of the layoff and the period of time over which
the layoffs occur.

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