LD 1720
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Page 2 of 5 An Act to Recover Economic Loss Attributable to Tobacco Use Page 4 of 5
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Item 1

relief as necessary to avoid duplication of recovery.__Otherwise,
the collateral source doctrine applies.

§8355.__Recovery of related costs

An entity or individual entitled to recover under this chapter
may also recover from liable manufacturers the costs and expenses
that are reasonably necessary for effectuating the recovery of
economic loss.__These related costs include the fees and expenses
for investigation, gathering of data, performance of scientific
studies, legal representation, expert consultants and witnesses
and costs of court and related proceedings.

§8356.__Presumptions and apportionment

In determining a tobacco manufacturer's proportionate share of
liability to the State or other entity under sections 8352 and
8353, the court shall apply evidentiary presumptions in the
following manner.

1.__Losses aggregated.__Economic losses may be aggregated and
proven on a year-to-year basis.

2.__Share of liability.__It is presumed that a tobacco
manufacturer's proportionate share of liability for economic loss
in any given year is equal to its percentage share of the total
dollar volume of retail tobacco sales in this State for the 3-
year period immediately preceding the year in which the economic
loss is sustained.

3.__Proof of economic loss.__Proof of economic loss
attributable to tobacco use may be based on reliable assessments
and expert appraisals for classes of persons affected rather than
on proof of causation and damages for each person individually.

4.__Assessment of economic loss.__An assessment of economic
loss may be based on reliable epidemiological studies, scientific
samplings, statistical surveys and other data for categories or
classes of persons reasonably comparable to those for whom such
loss has been paid, rather than proof supplied on a person-by-
person basis.

5.__Rules.__The commissioner may adopt rules specifying
methods by which data may be collected and assessments may be
made to determine the extent of each manufacturer's liability and
may propose to the court other evidentiary presumptions
appropriate to determining liability and damages in any action
under this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

6.__Effect of presumptions.__A tobacco manufacturer may

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