LD 1733
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding the Provision of Services to Persons with Al... LD 1733 Title Page
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LR 23
Item 1

supplemental dementia assessment has expanded medical
eligibility for nursing facility care to include persons
with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias.

(4) Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are
major substantive rules as defined by Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A.

(5)__The department shall apply criteria for the
assessment of Alzheimer's disease that:

(a)__Take into consideration that, during the
course of Alzheimer's disease in an individual,
the individual may experience periods when the
application of the assessment criteria set forth
in subparagraph (1) indicates greater medical and
social needs of the individual and periods when
the application of those criteria indicates fewer
medical and social needs of the individual; and

(b)__Request and give appropriate weight in the
evaluation process to input from physicians
relevant to the consideration set forth in
division (a).


This bill requires the Department of Human Services to
consider the fluctuating nature of Alzheimer's disease so that
the medical and social needs of a person being evaluated for the
disease can be fully assessed and the appropriate level of
services provided.

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