LD 1743
pg. 1
LD 1743 Title Page An Act to Preserve Live Harness Racing in the State LD 1743 Title Page
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LR 2163
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 8 MRSA §271, sub-§§10 and 11 are enacted to read:

10.__On-track telephone account wagering allowed.__A
commercial track may engage in telephone account wagering on
races conducted at that track, if all money used to place
telephone account wagers is on deposit with the commercial track
in an amount sufficient to cover the wagers.__Money is deemed to
be on deposit at a commercial track only if that deposit has been
effected by cash, check or a confirmed credit card transaction.__
All money wagered by telephone account wagering is subject to the
same commissions and distributions as wagers placed directly at
the track.

11.__Improper telephone account wagering prohibited.__A
commercial track shall accept a telephone account wagers only
from the holder of the telephone wagering account.__A person may
not directly or indirectly act as an intermediary, transmitter or
agent in the placing of wagers for a holder of a telephone
wagering account.__Only the holder of a telephone wagering
account may place a telephone wager.__A person violating this
subsection is guilty of a Class E crime.


This bill allows commercial tracks to accept over-the-
telephone wagers on races conducted at that track, but only from
individuals with prefunded accounts established at the track.

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