LD 1745
pg. 1
LD 1745 Title Page An Act Regarding the Interest and Penalties on Unpaid Taxes when the Taxpayer F... LD 1745 Title Page
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LR 1595
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §187-C is enacted to read:

§187-C.__Suspension of interest and penalties during bankruptcy

The accumulation of interest and penalties imposed under this
Title for nonpayment or late payment of taxes are suspended from
the date the taxpayer files a petition for relief under the
United States Bankruptcy Code until final distribution of assets
by the bankruptcy trustee.


This bill provides for the suspension of interest and
penalties for nonpayment or late payment of taxes when the
taxpayer files for bankruptcy.

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