LD 1757
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Support the Work of the Maine Rabies Work Group LD 1757 Title Page
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LR 2537
Item 1

Provides funds to pay for the
administrative expenses to
coordinate efforts to respond
to the presence of rabies in
the State.


This bill requires the Bureau of Health to coordinate and keep
records of the interdepartmental efforts to respond to the
presence of rabies in the State. This bill also directs the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, the
Department of Conservation, the Department of Human Services and
the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to continue to
collaborate on efforts to respond to the presence of rabies in
the State including working with the informal Maine rabies work
group. This bill appropriates $1,000 for the biennium to pay the
administrative expenses incurred by the Bureau of Health to carry
out the purposes of this bill.

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