LD 1759
pg. 2
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LR 1627
Item 1

D. Three representatives from African, Latino and Native-
American Society, ALANA;

5. One representative of the University of Maine System with
specific background in the preparation of teachers for
kindergarten to grade 12;

6. One teacher of English as a 2nd language, ESL, with at
least 5 years experience in a Maine multicultural classroom;

7. One member of the State Board of Education; and

8. One at-large member with demonstrated knowledge,
experience and interest in multicultural education; and be it

Sec. 3. Chair. Resolved: That the chair must be elected by the full
commission; and be it further

Sec. 4. Appointments; convening commission. Resolved: That all appointments
must be made no later than 30 days following the effective date
of this resolve. The appointing authority shall notify the
Executive Director of the Legislative Council upon making
appointments. When the appointment of all members is complete,
the appointing authority shall call and convene the first meeting
of the commission no later than November 1, 1999; and be it

Sec. 5. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall study the
problems Maine teachers face or will face in culturally diverse
schools and classrooms. The commission shall determine what
needs to be done to prepare teachers to be effective both in
providing an appropriate educational program for multicultural
classrooms and in helping all students to recognize and
understand the diverse nature of society. In conducting this
study, the commission shall:

1. Request the assistance of the Department of Education, the
State Board of Education and ALANA and invite the participation
of other experts and interested parties;

2. Conduct a survey of Maine teachers to determine current
levels of completed multicultural education; success in
multicultural classrooms; problems encountered in multicultural
classrooms; knowledge of effective strategies in multicultural
education; resources available to teachers in multicultural
classrooms; skills needed for success in multicultural education;
and anecdotal evidence of needs and prior knowledge of dominant

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