LD 1760
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, to Create the Commission to Study the Provision of Mental Health Servi... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2539
Item 1

6. Two members representing providers of mental health
services to elderly persons, appointed by the Governor; and be it

Sec. 3. Appointments; meetings. Resolved: That all appointments must be
made no later than 45 days following the effective date of this
resolve. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council upon making their
appointments. When the appointment of all members is complete,
the chairs of the commission shall call and convene the first
meeting of the commission no later than August 15, 1999; and be
it further

Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall study the needs
of the elderly population with mental illness. In conducting
their study, the commission shall examine:

1. The demographics of the population under review;

2. What services are available, what services are actually
used and what services are needed; and

3. The numbers and illnesses of and services provided to,
elderly persons living at home in community settings, nursing
homes, assisted living facilities and residential care

The commission shall make a report in accordance with section
8; and be it further

Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the commission shall request
staff assistance from the Legislative Council; and be it further

Sec. 6. Meetings. Resolved: That the commission may meet up to 4
times; and be it further

Sec. 7. Reimbursement. Resolved: That the members of the commission
who are Legislators are entitled to receive reimbursement for
mileage and to receive the legislative per diem, as defined in
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, for each day's
attendance at meetings of the commission. The Executive Director
of the Legislative Council shall administer the commission's
budget; and be it further

Sec. 8. Report. Resolved: That the commission shall submit a report
and any necessary implementing legislation to the Joint Standing
Committee on Health and Human Services by January 1, 2000. The
Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services may submit
legislation in the Second Regular Session of

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