LD 1774
pg. 1
LD 1774 Title Page An Act to Amend Environmental Penalties to Prohibit Fines on First-time Violato... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1914
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §347-A, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 1993,
c. 204, §1, is amended to read:

1. General procedures. This subsection sets forth procedures
for enforcement actions.

A. Whenever it appears to the commissioner, after
investigation, that there is or has been a violation of this
Title, of rules adopted under this Title or of the terms or
conditions of a license, permit or order issued by the board
or the commissioner, the commissioner may initiate an
enforcement action by taking one or more of the following

(1) Resolving the violation through an administrative
consent agreement pursuant to subsection 4, signed by
the violator and approved by the board and the Attorney

(2) Referring the violation to the Attorney General
for civil or criminal prosecution;

(3) Scheduling and holding an enforcement hearing on
the alleged violation pursuant to subsection 2; or

(4) With the prior approval of the Attorney General,
initiating a civil action pursuant to section 342,
subsection 7.

B. Before initiating a civil enforcement action pursuant to
paragraph A, the commissioner shall issue a notice of
violation to the person or persons the commissioner
considers likely to be responsible for the alleged violation
or violations. The notice of violation must describe the
alleged violation or violations, to the extent then known by
the commissioner; cite the applicable law, rule and term or
condition of the license, permit or order alleged to have
been violated; and provide time periods for the alleged
violator to take necessary corrective action and to respond
to the notice. For violations the commissioner finds to be
minor, the notice may state that further enforcement action
will not be pursued if compliance is achieved within the
time period specified in the notice or under other
appropriate circumstances. The commissioner is not required
to issue a notice of violation before issuing an emergency
order pursuant to subsection 3 or other applicable provision
of this Title; nor is the commissioner required to issue a
notice of violation before referring an alleged violation to
the Attorney General for criminal prosecution or in a matter
requiring immediate enforcement action.

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