LD 1776
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Establish a Standard Line-item Budget Format for All School Budgets ... LD 1776 Title Page
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LR 2167
Item 1

A. An article containing the district's proposed budget
format shall must be placed on the next warrant issued or
ballot printed if:

(1) A majority of the district school committee votes to
place it on the warrant or ballot; or

(2) A written petition of at least 10% of the number of
voters voting in the last gubernatorial election in
each municipality within the community school district
request it to be on the warrant or ballot.

B. The article containing the budget format may must be
voted on by secret ballot at an election conducted in
accordance with Title 30-A, sections 2528 to 2532.

C. The district school committee shall:

(1) Issue a warrant specifying that the municipal officers
of the municipalities within the community school
district place the budget format article on the secret
ballot; and

(2) Prepare and furnish the required number of ballots for
carrying out the election, including absentee ballots.


This bill changes the school budget format from appropriating
gross revenues to the school unit as a general rule to a
procedure to implement a line-item budget format. This bill
establishes a uniform, 10-category line-item budget format that
would apply to all school budgets, while retaining an authority
for the voters to adopt alternative budget formats at referendum.
The details of the line-item budget format are to be developed
by the Commissioner of Education through rulemaking. School
units that have already adopted line-item formats are
grandfathered from any regulatory requirement to amend their
formats. This bill also makes explicit the detail of revenue,
expenditure, enrollment and per pupil expenditure information
that must be a part of the school budget documents.

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