LD 1777
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Update the Laws Concerning Prearranged Funerals LD 1777 Title Page
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LR 1026
Item 1

4.__Applicability.__This section does not apply to the sale of
cemetery lots, crypts, niches, cemetery burial privileges, cemetery
space or perpetual care.

5.__Cotrustees.__This section may not be construed as
prohibiting any person, including a payor, from serving as a
mortuary cotrustee with the payee.

6.__Penalties.__Any person who violates this section is guilty
of a Class E crime.__This section does not preclude prosecution
or conviction under other applicable laws, including, but not
limited to, disciplinary actions under this chapter.

Sec. 3. Application. That section of this Act that repeals and
replaces the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32, section 1401
applies to prearranged funeral or burial plan agreements entered
into on or after the effective date of this Act.


This bill updates the prearranged funeral service law
originally enacted in 1959. The provisions in this bill reflect
the recommendations of the Funeral Act Review Group, which was
assembled by the Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation to update the laws regarding prearranged funeral

The bill changes one provision in the insurance laws to
clarify that insurers may not contract with funeral service
providers to solicit or sell policies. The bill updates
terminology regarding financial institutions and credit unions
and specifies permissible low-risk investments. The bill also
enumerates board rulemaking requirements to include the format
and content of trust agreements and service contracts, the
establishment of reasonable transfer, revocation and account
administration fees and inspection of trust agreements.

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