LD 1786
pg. 1
LD 1786 Title Page An Act to Provide a $500 State Income Tax Credit for Private School Tuition Pay... LD 1786 Title Page
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LR 2069
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §5219-Q is enacted to read:

§5219-Q.__Private school tax credit

A taxpayer is allowed a credit of up to $500 against the tax
imposed by this Part if the taxpayer has a child enrolled as a
full-time student in a private educational institution and the
taxpayer is entitled to claim the child as a dependent for that
year.__The maximum amount of the credit is $500, regardless of
the number of children enrolled.__This credit does not apply if
the taxpayer's adjusted gross income for that year exceeds
$50,000.__For the purpose of this section, "private educational
institution" means any private educational institution, profit or
nonprofit, that provides a program of education outside the
public school system.__The amount of the credit that may be used
by a taxpayer for a taxable year may not exceed the amount of tax
otherwise due under this Part.


This bill creates a private school education tax credit for a
taxpayer that has a child enrolled as a full-time student and is
entitled to claim the child as a dependent. The amount of the
tax credit is $500 or the amount of tax due for that year,
whichever is less. The taxpayer's combined adjusted gross income
may not exceed $50,000 for that year.

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