LD 1789
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Improve the Licensing Procedures for Veterinarians LD 1789 Title Page
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LR 1996
Item 1

When a license has lapsed, a formerly licensed veterinarian
may be reinstated upon payment of a reinstatement application
processing fee of $100.__The applicant is subject to all
requirements governing new applicants under this chapter, except
that the board, giving due consideration to the protection of the
public, may waive examination if that renewal application is made
within 2 years of the expiration date of the lapsed license.

By rule the board may waive the payment of the registration
renewal fee of a licensed veterinarian during the period that the
applicant is on active duty with any branch of the Armed Services
of the United States, not to exceed the longer of 3 years or the
duration of a national emergency.


The Board of Veterinary Medicine recently placed in effect a
major increase in license fees. This bill enables the board to
charge a lesser fee for the veterinarians who are no longer
engaged in active practice but who want to remain licensed.

This bill also clarifies administrative procedures for the
relicensing of veterinarians by establishing provisions very
similar to those governing the relicensing of physicians.

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