LD 1790
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Designation of a Beneficiary of Maine St... LD 1790 Title Page
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LR 1733
Item 1

B.__Prior to changing the beneficiary, the executive director
shall ensure that the person who was originally named as
retirement beneficiary has been counseled by an employee of
the retirement system regarding the financial effect of losing
rights as a beneficiary and has signed a statement that the
information has been received and understood.

2.__Time and manner of election.__The recipient may elect to
change the named beneficiary at any time by sending a written
request to the executive director.

3.__Amount of benefit.__The amount of the benefit payable
under the option elected is the actuarial equivalent, at the date
of the beginning of payment of benefits under this section, of
the amount of reduced retirement benefit the recipient has been
receiving, plus the amount expected to be paid to the original
beneficiary after the recipient's death.

4.__Effective date of coverage of new beneficiary.__The
effective date of the designation of the recipient's new
beneficiary is the date the request is received.__The recipient's
retirement benefit must be adjusted on the first day of the month
following the effective date of the new designation of


Current law requires a recipient of reduced benefits under the
Maine State Retirement System who remarries, either due to the
death of the recipient's spouse or divorce, and who wants to
change the beneficiary of survivor benefits to obtain the
permission of the ex-spouse, if living, or to have been remarried
for at least 6 months.

This bill removes the restrictions on who may be named as
beneficiary, allowing the recipient to name anyone as a
beneficiary. The bill continues the current requirement that the
original beneficiary be informed by the Maine State Retirement
System that the recipient is changing the beneficiary.

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