LD 1792
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Relating to the Admissibility of Medical Records and Reports LD 1792 Title Page
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LR 2496
Item 1

5.__Calling witnesses.__This section does not limit the right
of any party to the action to summon, at that party's own
expense, the maker or custodian of the record for the purpose of
cross examination with respect to the record or to rebut its
contents or for any other purpose.__This section does not limit
the right of any party to the action or proceeding to summon any
other person to testify in respect to the record or for any other

6.__Blood-alcohol concentration test.__If the proceeding is
one in which the operator of a motor vehicle or watercraft is
alleged to have operated under the influence of intoxicating
liquor or drugs and the court is satisfied that probable cause
exists to believe that the operator committed the offense
charged, the result of a laboratory or any other test kept by a
hospital or other medical facility that reflects blood-alcohol
concentration may not be excluded as evidence in a criminal or
civil proceeding by reason of any claim of confidentiality or
privilege and may be admitted provided that the result is
relevant and reliable evidence.


This bill rewrites the law concerning the admissibility of
medical records in court and other proceedings. It authorizes
the admission of medical records without requiring the maker of
the record or the record custodian to be called as a witness to
authenticate the record.

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