LD 1795
pg. 5
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Item 1

than its equitable share may recover judgment for contribution upon

2.__By separate action.__If proportionate fault among joint
tortfeasors has not been established, contribution may be
enforced in a separate action, regardless of whether a judgment
has been rendered against either the party seeking contribution
or the party from whom contribution is sought.

3.__When assertible after judgment.__If a judgment has been
rendered against the tortfeasor seeking contribution, the action
for contribution must be commenced within one year after the
judgment is final.

4.__When assertible if no judgment.__If a judgment has not
been rendered, the party bringing the action for contribution
must have either:

A.__Discharged by payment the common liability within the
period of the statute of limitations applicable to the
claimant's right of action and commenced the action for
contribution within one year after payment; or

B.__Agreed while action was pending to discharge the common
liability and within one year after the agreement have paid
the liability and commenced an action for contribution.

5.__Effect of judgment and recovery.__A plaintiff's recovery
of a judgment against one tortfeasor does not of itself discharge
other tortfeasors from liability for the same claim unless the
judgment is satisfied.__Satisfaction of the judgment does not
impair rights of contribution.

6.__Binding effect.__A judgment that determines the equitable
shares of liability for 2 or more tortfeasors who were parties to
the judgment is binding among them in determining their
respective rights to contribution for those damage claims that
were the subject of the judgment.

§187.__Release of joint tortfeasors

When recovery is sought for harm caused by 2 or more parties,
a release of one or more of them does not bar a claim against the
others.__Evidence of a prior release or settlement is not
admissible on issues of liability or damages in a subsequent
trial.__If the plaintiff is awarded a verdict in such a case, the
judge shall then reduce the plaintiff's recovery by deducting,
for each such prior settlement, the lesser of the following:

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