LD 1795
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act to Validate Pierringer Releases and Reform Procedures in Multiparty Laws... LD 1795 Title Page
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LR 2500
Item 1

B.__That the parties are not bound by that portion of any
verdict or finding that determines whether or to what extent
the settling defendant shares responsibility for the
plaintiff's harm; or

C.__That cross-claims against the settling defendant are
severed for a separate trial.

Sec. 5. Application. The Maine Revised Statutes, Title 14, sections
182, 183 and 184 apply to causes of action that accrue after the
effective date of this Act. Title 14, sections 185 and 186
relating to contribution apply to all rights of contribution that
accrue after the effective date of this Act. Title 14, sections
187 and 188 relating to settlement apply to all settlements that
are entered into after the effective date of this Act.


This bill restructures the comparative negligence laws and
defines how they should apply in cases with multiple defendants.

The bill also restructures the laws dealing with release of
joint tortfeasors when settlement is not reached and clarifies
how the judge applies offsets against subsequent verdicts when
there have been prejudgment settlements.

The bill also authorizes the courts to approve Pierringer
release procedures in complex litigation. In a Pierringer
settlement, the plaintiff gives up that share of recovery that is
proportional to the settling defendant's fraction of
responsibility. The purpose of a Pierringer release is to permit
one defendant to settle with the plaintiff and to withdraw
finally from the suit even when there are cross-claims against
the defendant.

The bill contains safeguards to protect nonsettling parties
from being prejudiced by the absence of the settling defendant.
It also authorizes the court, for good cause shown, to enter
special orders to alter or suspend the terms of the release if
justice requires.

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