LD 1796
pg. 2
Page 1 of 8 An Act to Improve the Absentee Voting Process Page 3 of 8
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LR 1107
Item 1

requesting the ballot by making the voter confirm the voter's
residence and birth date on the voting list.

5.__Assistance to certain voters.__A voter who is unable to
read, sign or complete an application because of physical
disability, illiteracy or religious faith may request another
person, other than the voter's employer or agent of that employer
or an officer or agent of the voter's union, to assist the voter
in reading, signing or completing the application.__If an aide
assists a voter by reading or signing the application, the aide
shall complete and sign the certificate on the application
stating that the aide has assisted the voter.

§753-B.__Procedure for issuing absentee ballot

1. Application or written request received. Upon receipt of a
completed application or a written request for an absentee ballot
signed by the voter or an immediate family member, the clerk
shall immediately issue an absentee ballot and return envelope by
mail or in person to the applicant or to the immediate family
member or other 3rd person designated in a written application or
request made by the voter.__Upon completion of a telephone
request, the clerk shall issue an absentee ballot by mail or in
person to the voter, at the address requested by the voter.__The
clerk shall type or write in ink the name and the legal address
of the voter in the designated section of the return envelope.

2.__Restrictions on issuing ballot.__The clerk may not deliver
an absentee ballot to any 3rd person who is a candidate or a
member of a candidate's immediate family.__The clerk may not
deliver to an immediate family member or other 3rd person any
absentee ballot requested by telephone.__The clerk may not issue
more than 5 absentee ballots to any 3rd person designated in
applications or written requests at any time.

3.__Return of ballot by 3rd person.__A 3rd person shall,
unless good cause is shown, return an absentee ballot to the
clerk's office within 2 business days of the date that ballot was
provided to the 3rd person or the date that 3rd person was
notified by the clerk that the ballot was available or by the
close of the polls on election day, whichever is earlier.

4.__Duplicate application.__If the clerk receives a duplicate
application or request from a person from whom the clerk has
received a return envelope apparently containing a statewide
absentee ballot, the clerk may not furnish another statewide
absentee ballot for that person.__The clerk may issue a 2nd
statewide absentee ballot to an applicant if the applicant
requests one in person or in writing and:

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