LD 1796
pg. 8
Page 7 of 8 An Act to Improve the Absentee Voting Process LD 1796 Title Page
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LR 1107
Item 1

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §791, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1985, c. 357, §§18
and 19, is further amended to read:

B. A municipal clerk who, when a person has voted by
absentee ballot in the clerk's presence under section 753
753-B, subsection 7 8, signs his the clerk's name to an
affidavit on the absentee ballot return envelope when the
affidavit is not properly completed; or


This bill allows any voter to vote by absentee ballot at any
election, and removes the current provision stating reasons for
permitting a person to vote by absentee ballot. This bill also
clarifies the procedures for requesting and issuing an absentee
ballot. The bill further refines the procedure for a candidate
or a candidate's representative to inspect absentee ballot
applications and envelopes on election day before the ballots are

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