LD 1799
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act Regarding the School Funding Formula Page 4 of 4
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LR 365
Item 1

Management Information Systems

All Other$25,000

Provides funds to develop a regional education
cost-adjustment model based on a public
education price index.




The purpose of this bill is to ensure that pupil equity and
taxpayer equity are achieved through the school funding formula.
This bill accomplishes the following.

1. It clarifies that the statutory provisions requiring the
state share of school construction debt service costs must be
supported by General Fund appropriations by:

A. Indicating that the Legislature shall annually report
the aggregate amount of the state share of the allocation
for debt service costs as a separate line item and program
account in the budget bill submitted to the Legislature for
consideration; and

B. Indicating that the Legislature shall annually
appropriate an amount to capitalize the state share of debt
service costs that is separate from the appropriation for
general purpose aid for local schools.

2. It suspends the annual updating of the income weight in
the School Finance Act of 1995 by establishing that the income
weight used in fiscal year 1997-98 must be used beginning in
fiscal year 1999-00 and must remain fixed at the level of the
median household income data reported in the United States Census
data. Fiscal year 1997-98 median household income data must be
used for the statewide component and for the local municipality
component of income weighting for each fiscal year until fiscal
year 2001-02 when the department shall use the median household
income data reported in the United States Census for 2000 report
for each fiscal year until fiscal year 2011-12 when the data for
the United States Census for 2010 must be used.

3. It replaces the so-called "cost-of-living adjustment" in
the School Finance Act of 1995 with a regionalized cost-
adjustment model that is based on a public education price

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