LD 1802
pg. 1
LD 1802 Title Page An Act to Restore the Distribution Formula Between Private and Public Colleges ... LD 1802 Title Page
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LR 1509
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §11614, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Scholarships for students attending private
institutions.__Scholarships for students attending private
institutions of higher education must be 2 times the amount of
scholarships awarded to students attending public institutions of
higher education.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §11616, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 559, §10,
is amended to read:

1. Length of scholarship; eligibility. A scholarship shall
may not be for a period not to exceed of more than one academic
year. A student may apply for a new scholarship for each year
during the period required for completion of an eligible program
of study being pursued by that student. A scholarship recipient
who remains eligible shall and who has been determined by the
authority to have a financial need according to the criteria set
forth in section 11613 must be considered awarded a scholarship
in the each succeeding award year during the period required for
completion of an eligible program of study.


This bill revives the statutory provision that required
student incentive scholarships awarded to students attending
private institutions of higher education to be 2 times the amount
of scholarships awarded to students attending public institutions
of higher education. This bill also amends the length of
scholarship provision by requiring that scholarship recipients
who remain eligible under the demonstrated financial need
criteria must be awarded a new scholarship for each year during
the period required for completion of an eligible program of

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