LD 1805
pg. 1
LD 1805 Title Page An Act to Ensure Prompt Payment of Unemployment Compensation Benefits to Displa... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2872
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §1194, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Claims for benefits for partial unemployment.__Each
employing unit, no later than the day following the day on which
the payroll is processed for a week during which an individual
who is customarily employed by that employing unit on a full-time
basis worked less than full-time hours and did not earn $5 or
more in excess of the individual's weekly benefit amount due to
lack of work or, while not having been affirmatively terminated,
performed no services and earned no wages for a period of one
calendar week due to lack of work, shall give that individual a
claim form properly filled out.__If employment is unavailable
after issuance of the claim form, the employing unit shall issue
instructions to the worker for making application for total
benefits.__If the employing unit does not know an employee's
weekly benefit amount, a claim form must be issued for the first
week of less than full-time work in the employee's benefit year
in order that a determination of the employee's rights may be
made and the employing unit and the employee duly notified.__
Pending receipt of notice of the employee's benefit rights, the
employing unit shall issue a claim form for each week of less
than full-time work.

A.__Issuance of the claim form to individuals for limited
periods of 2 or more consecutive calendar weeks of
performing no services and earning no wages while not having
been affirmatively terminated may be authorized by the
commission upon specific request from the employing unit due
to temporary shutdown of operations at the employing

B.__A claim issued by an employing unit in accordance with
this subsection, when filed with the bureau, constitutes an
individual's notice of partial unemployment and registration
for work and the individual's claim for benefits or for any
past compensable weeks of partial unemployment covered by
the claim, if that claim is filed in accordance with
regulations adopted by the commission.

C.__Any employing unit that fails to provide an individual
with a claim form in accordance with this subsection is
subject to a fine of $25 per day for each day the violation

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