LD 1826
pg. 1
LD 1826 Title Page An Act to Adjust and Modify the School Funding Formula LD 1826 Title Page
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LR 701
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to replace the School Finance Act of 1985
and the School Finance Act of 1995 with a school funding formula
that will be designed using the concepts contained within the
essential programs and services model developed by the State
Board of Education's Essential Programs and Services Committee.
To accomplish this purpose, this bill seeks to:

1. Replace the current school funding formula, found in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapters 606 and 606-A, with
a new method for funding kindergarten to grade 12 public
education based on the concepts contained in the essential
programs and services model. The current method used to
determine the resources necessary for financing education is
based on the historical expenditures reported by school
administrative units associated with providing public education.
The basis for calculating education costs under the essential
programs and services model would be the amount of resources
necessary to permit each child to meet the standards established
by the system of learning results;

2. Incorporate the concepts and components of the essential
programs and services model recommended by the State Board of
Education's Essential Programs and Services Committee in
designing the new method for funding kindergarten to grade 12
public education. The new funding method should be based on the
recommendations made by the Essential Programs and Services
Committee, including:

A. The definition of essential programs and essential

B. The 3 prototypical school and grade configurations
proposed for elementary, middle and secondary schools; and

C. A transition plan for implementing the new funding
method based on the essential programs and services model;

3. Require the State to pay local municipalities 55% of the
total resources necessary to finance kindergarten to grade 12
public education under the new funding method based on the
essential programs and services model.

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