LD 1831
pg. 1
LD 1831 Title Page Resolve, to Require the State to Fully Fund All Educational Program Costs LD 1831 Title Page
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LR 2152
Item 1

Sec. 1. Appropriation. Resolved: That the following funds are
appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purposes of
this resolve.



General Purpose Aid for

Local Schools

All Other$29,493,680$30,348,997

Provides funds to fully fund
actual local program costs.

General Purpose Aid for

Local Schools

All Other$26,077,221

Provides funds to reimburse
local program costs for fiscal
year 1998-99.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION____________________



Current law requires that school administrative units receive
state subsidy for the following program costs: early childhood
education program costs, special education costs, vocational
education costs, transportation operating costs and bus purchase
costs. The funds for these subsidizable program costs are
limited to the amount appropriated by the Legislature for the
General Purpose Aid for Local Schools program. Appropriations
for the past several years have addressed less than 25% of the
amount needed to fully fund this program. This resolve ensures
that the State subsidizes 100% of the actual program costs
incurred by school administrative units and reimburses school
administrative units for costs incurred during the 1998-99 fiscal

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