LD 1833
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Require All Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 to be Bused to School... LD 1833 Title Page
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LR 2797
Item 1

B.__Students in grades one to 3 to and from bus stops not
more than one block from the students' residences.__Students
in grades one to 3 may walk to and from school if the school
can be clearly seen from the students' residences.

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §5401, sub-§§7 and 11, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693,
§§5 and 8, are amended to read:

7. Remote location. If a student resides in a location
remote from and inaccessible to schools or and public highways,
the student's parents shall be are responsible for providing
transportation to a public highway or paying board for the
student within walking distance of a school. Failure of the
parent to provide transportation or board shall be is considered
a violation of the truancy law.

11. Minimum distances. A school board may establish the
distance from a school that students in grades 4 to 12 must
reside to receive transportation.


This bill requires schools to transport children in
kindergarten to grade 3 to and from school regardless of the
distance the children live from their schools. Kindergarten
students must be picked up and dropped off at their residences.
Children in grades one to 3 must be transported to within one
block of their residences. Children in grades one to 3 may walk
if their residences can be clearly seen from their schools.

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