LD 1834
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Support Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs LD 1834 Title Page
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LR 2667
Item 1

All Other$100,000$100,000

Provides funds for school
conflict resolution education
programs and a grant program to
support conflict resolution
and peer mediation programs in






This bill implements part of the recommendations of the
Commission to Study Providing Educators with More Authority to
Remove Violent Students from Educational Settings. The bill
directs and provides funding for the Department of Education to
provide technical assistance to schools in developing violence
prevention and intervention training for educators, staff and
students. The bill also establishes a grant program to be
administered by the Department of Education to support the
establishment of conflict resolution and peer mediation programs
in schools. Finally, the bill provides funding support for the
Attorney General's Civil Rights Team Project.

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