LD 1842
pg. 1
LD 1842 Title Page An Act to Require Disclosure of Vital Information When a Conservation Easement ... LD 1842 Title Page
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LR 2409
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 33 MRSA §477, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Disclosure.__At the time of creation or conveyance of a
conservation easement, the owner of the servient estate shall
sign a consent form in which the following information is

A.__A description of the physical restrictions and legal
restraints that the easement imposes on the servient estate;

B.__The duration of the easement;

C.__The identity of the entity receiving the easement; and

D.__A description of the purpose and general activities of
the entity receiving the easement.

Sec. 2. 33 MRSA §1552, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 389, is amended by
adding after the first paragraph a new paragraph to read:

At the time of creation or conveyance of a preservation
interest, the owner of the property shall sign a consent form
that discloses a description of the physical restrictions and
legal restraints that the preservation interest places on the
property, the duration of the interest, the identity of the
holder of the interest and a description of the purpose and
general activities of the holder of the interest.


This bill requires that, at the time of the creation or
conveyance of a conservation easement or preservation interest,
the owner of a servient estate or subject property sign a consent
form disclosing the following information:

1. A description of the physical restrictions and legal
residents the easement or interest places on the estate or

2. The duration of the easement or interest; and

3. The identity and description of the general activities and
purpose of the holder of the easement or interest.

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