LD 1853
pg. 1
LD 1853 Title Page An Act to Expand the Membership of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Auth... LD 1853 Title Page
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LR 2357
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §8112, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 374, §3, is
amended to read:

1. Board of directors. The authority consists of a board of
5 8 directors appointed by the Governor each to serve for 5
years; except for those first appointed one director is appointed
for one year, one director for 2 years, one director for 3 years
and one director for 4 years. Three of the directors must be
appointed by the Governor, one representing each of the 3 county
commissioner districts in Washington County, from a list of
candidates provided by the county commissioners in each of the
county commissioner districts in Washington County. Immediately
after their appointments, the directors of the authority shall
enter upon their duties. The Governor shall name one of the
appointed members as chair of the authority. The directors shall
elect a treasurer and a secretary who need not be members of the
authority and any other officers as the board of directors from
time to time considers necessary. Any vacancy must be filled for
the unexpired term by the Governor. A vacancy in the authority
does not impair the right of a quorum of the directors to
exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the
authority. The Governor may remove a member from the authority
for misconduct.

Sec. 2. Transition provisions. The 3 directors appointed pursuant to
this Act serve for 5-year terms; except that of the first group
of directors appointed the first director serves for one year,
the 2nd serves for 2 years and the 3rd serves for 3 years.


This bill amends the membership of the board of directors of
the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority by adding 3
members, one from each of the county commissioner districts in
Washington County. The initial terms of the new directors are

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