LD 1865
pg. 1
LD 1865 Title Page An Act to Conform the Highway Defect Statute to the Maine Tort Claims Act Page 2 of 2
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LR 2257
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §8104-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 740, §4, is
amended to read:

4. Road construction, street cleaning or repair. A
governmental entity is liable for its negligent acts or omissions
arising out of and occurring during the performance of
construction, street cleaning or repair operations on any
highway, town way, sidewalk, parking area, causeway, bridge,
airport runway or taxiway, including appurtenances necessary for
the control of those ways including, but not limited to, street
signs, traffic lights, parking meters and guardrails. A
governmental entity is not liable for any defect, lack of repair
or lack of sufficient railing in any highway, town way, sidewalk,
parking area, causeway, bridge, airport runway or taxiway or in
any appurtenance thereto.

Sec. 2. 23 MRSA §3655, as amended by PL 1979, c. 663, §138, is

Sec. 3. 23 MRSA §3656 is amended to read:

§3656. Repair within 6 years; location conclusive

When on trial of any such action or indictment as provided for
in section 3655 Title 14, section 8104-A, subsection 4 if it
appears that the defendant county or town has made repairs on the
way or bridge within 6 years before the injury, it shall the
defendant county or town may not deny the location of such that
way or bridge.

Sec. 4. 35-A MRSA §2503, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 141, Pt. A,
§6, is amended to read:

6. Liability. Installation and maintenance of the facility
and its appurtenances in accordance with the terms of the permit
and the provisions of chapter 23 and this chapter relieve the
applicant of liability to others by reason of location of its
facility and appurtenances and no a person has any right of
recovery may not recover under Title 23, section 3655, 14,
section 8104-A, subsection 4 because of the location,
installation and maintenance and the applicant will be is liable
only for acts of negligence in the installation or maintenance of
the facility and its appurtenances.

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