LD 1868
pg. 13
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LR 1834
Item 1

for such price as it determines is in the best interests of the

5.__Award and sell securities.__The power to fix the date of
sale of any securities, to receive bids or proposals, to award
and sell any securities, to set the terms and provisions of any
securities and to take all other action necessary to sell and
deliver any securities may be delegated to any officer of the
board by a majority of the members of the board.

6.__Proceeds of securities.__The proceeds of the securities of
each issue must be used solely for the purpose or purposes for
which the securities were authorized and disbursed in such manner
and under such restrictions as the board may provide in the
resolution authorizing the issuance of the securities or in the
trust agreement securing the securities.__If the proceeds of the
securities, by error of estimates or otherwise, are less than the
cost, additional securities, in like manner, may be issued to
provide the amount of the deficiency and, unless otherwise
provided in the authorizing resolution or in the trust agreement
securing the securities, are deemed to be of the same issue and
are entitled to payment from the same fund without preference or
priority of the securities first issued for the same purpose.__
The resolution providing for the issuance of securities and any
trust agreement securing the securities may contain such
limitations upon the issuance of additional securities as the
board may consider proper.__Additional securities must be issued
under such restrictions and limitations as may be prescribed by
the resolution or trust agreement.__The board may provide for the
replacement of any securities that become mutilated, destroyed,
stolen or lost.__Securities may be issued under this Act without
obtaining the consent of any department, division, commission,
board, bureau or agency of the State and without any other
proceedings or conditions or things other than those proceedings,
conditions or things that are specifically required by this Act.

7.__Use of proceeds.__The proceeds of the securities of each
issue must be used for the payment of all or part of the cost of
the project, projects or part of any project for which they are
authorized and must be disbursed in such manner and under such
restrictions as are provided in the resolution authorizing the
issuance of the bonds or in the trust agreement securing the
securities.__Proceeds may be used to pay all costs incurred in
issuing the securities, interest on the securities for such time
as may be authorized by the board, subject to the provisions of
this Act, and to establish reserve funds and sinking funds for
the securities.

8.__Interim or temporary securities.__Prior to the preparation
of definitive securities, the board may, under like

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