LD 1868
pg. 19
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LR 1834
Item 1

granted by this Act must be considered to be in addition to and not
in derogation of the power and authority granted by any other law.

§6423.__Securities as legal investment

The securities of the board are legal investments in which all
public officers and public bodies of the State, and its political
subdivisions; all municipalities and municipal subdivisions, all
insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying
on an insurance business; all banks, bankers, banking
associations, trust companies, savings banks and savings
associations, including savings and loan associations, building
and loan associations, investment companies and other persons
carrying on a banking business; all administrators, guardians,
executors, trustees and other fiduciaries; and all other persons
who are or may be authorized to invest in bonds or other
obligations of the State, may properly and legally invest funds,
including capital, in the control of or belonging to those
investors.__The securities are also, by this Act, made securities
that may properly and legally be deposited with and received by
all public officers and bodies of the State or any agency or
political subdivision of the State and all municipalities and
public corporations for any purpose for which the deposit of
securities of bonds or other obligations of the State may be
authorized by law.


A member of the board may not participate in any decision on
any contract entered into by the board under this Act if that
member has any interest, direct or indirect, in any firm,
partnership, corporation or association that may be party to the
contract.__The interest must be disclosed to the board in writing
and must be set forth in the minutes of the board.

§6425.__Actions against board

A member of the board, while acting within the scope of the
authority of this Act, may not be subject to any personal
liability resulting from the exercise or carrying out of any of
the board's purposes or powers.

§6426.__Contract of State

The State pledges and agrees with the holders of securities
that the State will not limit or alter the rights vested in the
board to acquire, construct, reconstruct, equip and operate a
project, projects or part of any project and related facilities;
establish and collect fees, charges, rentals and other charges

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