LD 1868
pg. 3
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LR 1834
Item 1

instrumentality of the State.__The exercise by the board of powers
conferred by this chapter is considered to be the performance of
essential governmental functions.__The board consists of 7 members,
of whom 3 are private citizens and 4 are permanent members.__The
permanent members are the Commissioner of Conservation; the
Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; the Treasurer of
State and the Attorney General.

2.__Appointments.__The 3 members who are private citizens are
appointed by the Governor, subject to review by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
conservation matters and subject to confirmation by the

3.__Qualifications.__The 3 members who are private citizens
are selected for their demonstrated commitment to sustainable
forestry or public access and recreation.__At least one of those
members must have expertise in forestry practices and at least
one in conservation.__Appointments must provide a broad
geographic representation of the State.

4.__Terms.__The members who are private citizens are appointed
to staggered terms of 4 years, except for the initial
appointments that are one member for a 2-year term, one member
for a 3-year term and one member for a 4-year term.__Members who
are private citizens may not serve more than 2 consecutive 4-year
terms.__When a vacancy occurs in the membership, the Governor
shall appoint a replacement member for the remainder of that
term.__Each member of the board serves until that member's
successor is appointed and qualified.

5.__Oath.__Each member of the board before commencing the
member's duties shall take an oath to administer the duties of
that member's office faithfully and impartially.__That oath must
be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.

6.__Officers; quorum.__The board shall elect a chair and a
vice-chair from its membership.__The board may have a secretary
and a treasurer, who may be members of the board.__Three members
of the board constitute a quorum, which is necessary for any
action taken by the board.__A vacancy in the membership of the
board does not impair the right of a quorum to exercise the
rights and perform the duties of the board.

7.__Compensation.__Each member of the board is entitled to
compensation in accordance with Title 5, chapter 379.__Each
member of the board must be indemnified by the board against
expenses incurred by that member in connection with the defense
of an action or proceeding in which the member is made a party by

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